Mp3 Vorträge, Ayya Khema, English
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Wir wünschen euch von Herzen viele tiefe Einsichten beim Anhören der Kurse und freuen uns über jede Spende, die ihren Weg ins Buddha-Haus findet.
- Ayya Khema, Dhamma talks English
Ayya Khema - Brisbane Retreat, February 1996
- Interst in Dhamma - Part 1
- Interst in Dhamma - Part 2, Love and kindness meditation
- Mindfulness of the body
- Mindfulness of the body, Element contemplation
- Mindfulness of the body 2
- Mindfulness of the body 2, Contemplation of body parts
- Mindfulness of the body 3
- Mindfulness of the body 3, Contemplation of decay and death
- Mindfulness off mind, Mindfulness mind
- Mindfulness off mind, Contemplation of karma
- Mindfulness of feelings and emotions
- Mindfulness of feelings and emotions, Contemplation of love & compasion
- Mindfulness of moods - Dukkha for practice
- Mindfulness of mood, Contemplation of dukkha
Nach oben
Ayya Khema - Stockholm, April 1988
- The miracle of being awake
- Questions and answers
- Four roads to success
- Meditation
- Be one's own friend
- Buddhist psychology
Nach oben
Ayya Khema - Gampo Abbey 1988
- Meditation instructions - Metta for purification of the heart
- Dukkha
- Faith
- Joy
- Jhana 1
- Jhana 2
- Non-material meditative absorptions
- Knowledge and vision of things as they really are
- Disenchantement
- Dispassion & liberation
- Dhamma in daily life
Nach oben
Ayya Khema - Selection of various dhammatalks
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